Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Street Performers Come to Town

City life is usually dull and uneventful. The town of Grymmford is no exception. Every day tends to feel the same as its citizens go about their usual business.
Some days, however, the working routine is broken by loud and cheerful sounds of traditional music and jolly announcements of exciting shows: the street performers come to town with their mysterious plays, rich storytelling and hilarious puppetry.

The first people to greet the travelling players are the children, asking the entertainers to amuse them with their latest performance. Those who decide to ignore the request or refuse to oblige are usually rewarded with stones and other flying objects thrown by the urchins.
The parents are more tolerant and likely to stop working to listen to a bard's song or watch the puppeteer ridicule the local ruler.

In some parts of the town, the crowd is not easy to please and many a minstrel has seen their lute broken to pieces after a controversial song was played.

Street performers do not stay in the same place for long. There are other towns to visit and other peoples to see. Furthermore - and for their misfortune - there is always someone who dislikes them and spreads a bad rumour about their nature. Soon, the whole town turns into an angry mob and forcing the unappreciated troupe to leave for good. Until some other time.



  1. I love these street level pictures, great work. I can hear the music and crowds in these pictures. Great brushwork.

  2. Fantastic stuff. Love the narrative too.

  3. Wonderful miniatures and set pieces there. They give a real feeling of life :)

    I really should get hold of some villager/civilian miniatures for my own collection.

  4. Those are some beautiful atmospheric photos. Love them!

  5. Thanks a lot for all the nice comments! I'm glad you like the pictures. I'll try to post some more photos in the near future.


  6. wow, great collection of minis here, and fantastic photos too, very atmospheric!

  7. Love these photos, the minis, the buildings all look great. I must admit to being most taken with the converted zealot. Great work!

  8. Thanks Von Kurst! Those Mordheim zealots had so much character! I converted one of them into a fishmonger. I must post an article about fishmongers one of these days. :)


  9. Stunning pictures, love this, excellent work!

  10. Thanks Phil. Hope these inspire your work!

